First of all, check the opening hours of the pharmacy and control which one of the drugstores in the surroundings is open.
The shift pharmacy responds only in case of emergency: if You have a medical prescription for a prescribable medicine there is no additional charge; on the contrary, there is an extra surcharge of 4,00 € on the day time and and an extra surcharge of 10,00 € on the night time.
In any case, outside the pharmacy an automated vending-machine provides some first aid and medical products.
The residents benefit from an agreement between the hospital of Feltre and the Local health unit, for this reason they can pick up their prescriptions at the Primiero – Vanoi pharmacies (Canal San Bovo, Fiera di Primiero, Mezzano di Primiero, San Martino di Castrozza).
Our pharmacy do not dispense medicines with outside the Trentino region prescriptions. Non resident people can pick up their prescriptions at the Hospital pharmacy or at other pharmacies in Veneto. Alternatively,it is possible to go to the local Emergency medical care practices to copy the prescriptions with an extra charge of 20 €: only with that kind of prescription we will dispense the medicines.
Yes, it is possible to pick up a digital prescription from another region or province, but to dispense the medicine we also need a paper note signed by the doctor.
The Trentino pharmacies do not dispense medicines in case of a paper prescription from another region or province: in any case, it is possible to use the local emergency medical care service to copy the prescription or ask for a new one, upon payment.
No, for this kind of analysis the medical prescription is not necessary: the tests can be done directly at the pharmacy through several devices or a little blood sampling from a finger, which easily permits to monitor and check important values. These basic measurement do not require the precription of the doctor.
During the winter season from Christmas to Easter and in july and august, from monday to friday (8.00 – 20.00), the tourist emergency medical care practice in via Pezgaiart 16 in San Martino di Castrozza is open.
Mobile 3663870011 (the number might vary).
In the summer season, the emergency medical care practice in Via Roma 1 in Tonadico is open from june to september, from monday to to friday (8.00 – 20.00). In case of need, call the mergency number 112 to get in touch with the practice. Service upon payment, 20 Euros for a medical examination and 30 Euros for a house call.
Every working day from 20.00 to 8.00, on festive days and days before holiday, the emergency medical care practice in Via Roma 1 in Tonadico provides an emergency medical care. Service upon payment, 20 Euros for a medical examination and 30 Euros for a house call.
Furthermore, from monday to friday, medical care is guaranteed also by the general pratictioners of the local health unit of Tonadico (service upon payment according the doctor’s price list).